The latest information about our tour is now found on the Home page each day.
Spokane Swap Meet Special for the National Tour
Sponsored by the Early Ford V-8 Club
Sponsored by the Early Ford V-8 Club
The Spokane Swap Meet is held at the Spokane County Fair & Expo (the Spokane County Fairgrounds) at 404 North Havana Street.
The Swap Meet is open on Friday, July 9th from 11 am - 8 pm, but if you're in your T you may enter at 10 am. Drive your T and enter at the south (purple gate) and admission will be $4 for your car and everyone in it, and you will be able to park inside the fairgrounds rather than in the parking lot.
Driving Directions to the Fairgrounds:
Turn right onto Hayford Road coming out the Northern Quest parking lot.
In 1 mile, turn left onto Highway 2 at the traffic light.
In .5 mile, take the 2nd exit at the roundabout to stay on Highway 2.
In 2 miles, exit right to Spokane Airport / Sunset Highway.
In .3 miles, turn left onto Sunset Highway at the stop sign.
Follow the road onto 3rd Avenue.
In 5.1 miles, take a slight left turn onto Sprague Way.
In .4 miles, take a slight right turn onto Sprague Avenue.
In 2.2 miles, turn left onto Havanna Street.
In .2 miles, turn right into the Fairgrounds.
June 29th Update:
I have posted information about things to do in Spokane on our National Tour Information, which you may access by CLICKING HERE.
Just a note about the pandemic: Spokane is now fully open and is generally following the CDC
guidelines that if you are fully vaccinated you no longer need to wear a
mask. Some Spokane businesses are still requesting that everyone wear a
mask. We are asking everyone on tour to take the precautions that you
are comfortable with. Almost all of our planned tour events are
outdoors and should allow for social distancing.
My last email only went out to people who are registered for the tour. For anyone who didn't receive it, here is the latest information for you about the National Tour:
50th Annual Spokane Swap Meet Special
The Early Ford V8 Club is offering us special pricing at the Spokane Swap Meet. On Friday, July 9th if you drive your Model T to the Swap Meet and enter through the purple (south) gate, the admission fee will be $4 per car, including all the people in your T. (Quite a discount off the $8 per person price of admission.) You will also be directed to a designated parking area inside the fairgrounds. You may arrive any time after 10 am. The Swap Meet will be open on Friday until 8 pm.
Registration Days
Registration will take place in the Kalispel Ballroom at Northern Quest Casino. Coming in the main hotel entrance, this is just down the hall to your left. The hours for Early Check-In on Thursday, July 8th have changed and will now be 3 pm - 6 pm. The hours for Check-In on Friday, July 9th are the same, 10 am - 5 pm, but if you see that I am there a little earlier than that, come on in! We will have people on hand at the hotel to greet you and to assist you with trailer parking during those times. If you are trying to do other things and can’t make it check-in during those times, give me a call and we will arrange to get you registered.
Please remember that you must present proof of insurance, a signed safety inspection form, and a signed hold harmless (you can print copies of these forms below) when you check-in and you must pay any outstanding amount due at that time. There will be extra inspection and hold harmless forms available at registration, and I will post them on the website.
We have planned most of this tour to occur outside, because we didn’t know what the pandemic restrictions would be. We will be traveling to some small towns around Spokane, and eating lunch in the park. If you are able, please plan to bring chairs along with you as this will help us get everyone seated.
The other issue about being outside: it’s HOT here today. (Those of you in the Southwest, please forgive my whining, but 100+ heat is not normal here in June.) We are hoping that the heat breaks, but you will be here during the Dog Days of Summer. It is typically in the mid-80s during the day and down into the 50s at night. Typical looks pretty good to me right now, but I expect it will be warmer than that. We will have cooler bags, or you may bring your own, but we are inviting everyone to take drinks–especially water–and snacks from the Hospitality Room in the morning.
One other thing that you might want to bring if you have one: your manifold cooker. We are trying to plan an evening manifold cooker picnic. We believe we have enough cookers in the Spokane T Club to pull this off, but more would be great!
Other Information
Our first tour activity is an Ice Cream Social and Driver’s Meeting for Saturday’s tour at 6 pm on Friday, July 9th.
If I haven’t hit something that you would like to know about, send me an email, text, or give me a call!
Please have a safe trip! See you soon!
Janice Hutchinson
(509) 448-2819
email: iemodeltclub@yahoo.com
Matt Hansen
Tour Chairman
(509) 998-9927
email: gbluffcider@yahoo.com
For a printable copy of the Safety Inspection and Hold Harmless forms CLICK HERE