Scroll down for more information about upcoming tours.
JULY 12-14

We are excited to see everyone on this tour.  The weather is gorgeous, the huckleberries are ripening, breakfast and dinner are provided, and good times are to be had.  If you are planning on attending please call or text Matt Hansen so we know you're coming and can keep an eye out for you.  If you want to come but don't have sleeping arrangements, call or text and we can arrange something for you.  We have 2 great driving tours and lunch stops arranged.  This is a great tour in beautiful country on amazing Model T roads.  The food's not half bad either!  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE US A HEADS UP IF YOU PLAN ON COMING.  Thank you!

The LeClerc Creek Tour will take place at 4431 West Branch LeClerc Creek Road.  Arrive Friday afternoon/evening or Saturday morning.  Breakfast will be provided Saturday and Sunday morning, and dinner Saturday night.  Lunches will be out during the tours. Tours will be to Boundary Dam one day, and towards Priest Lake the other day.  If you wish to only come for one day, that is great, but spending the weekend is a hoot!  Bring tent/trailers/etc if you plan to stay overnight.  There will also be some rooms available or a tent or two.  The huckleberries look good and there is usually time to get some good picking in.  There are also T games planned, so get your competitive spirit on!! This is a super fun tour and a lot of time goes into planning it, so put it on your calendar and plan to come!!


JULY 27th

Fun starts at noon. A-J bring a dessert, J-Z Salad or side dish. The fun will continue all day. 

The address is 11881 E. Bunco Rd.  

If you play an instrument, bring it. 

If you have a favorite chair, bring it. Seating will be provided, but having extra seats is a good thing. 

If anyone wants to tour there as a group, I will send out an email closer to the date with times and meeting place.



Picnic will be at Nan Robison's house: 11607 East 4th Avenue in Spokane Valley, 6 p.m. to whenever.  I'm going to do a Norma, and ask that no one arrive before 5:30. Burgers/hotdogs/lemonade and water will be provided.  People with last names A-P please bring a salad, Q-Z bring a dessert to share.  I will have more tables and chairs than last year for eating, so you don't have to bring a chair unless you are super attached to a favorite chair, or wish to have one for the meeting.  If so, bring it along.  You are encouraged to drive your T's. They will have premier parking in the back yard.  There will be some parking for modern cars in the driveway, and also on the street.  Looking forward to seeing everyone!

Saturday, August 10th from 9 a.m. to Noon


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